We can’t stress enough the importance of owning the necessary licenses for owning a property in Bali. Yes, to get to know about them can feel complicated, but knowing the big picture is important to navigate your plan better. And more importantly to ensure that you’re up to date with local rules and regulations.
There are two permits necessary for all buildings in Indonesia: PBG (Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung/Building Permit Approval) and SLF (Sertifikat Laik Fungsi/Function worthy certificate). These two permits replace a single building permit known as IMB (Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan). PBG & SLF are essential as they define the design and specification for the buildings, and they granted the permission for the building’s intended usage. These permits granted by the Regional Head to build alter any changes you want to do with your building in accordance with administrative and technical requirements.
Whilst the PBG specifies the approved design of the building, the SLF specifies what the building can be used for. PBG is required for any new construction or renovation, the main goal is to ensure the safety of the building and compliance with regulations and zoning laws. SLF is required to define the type of business and its impact on the local community, environmental and social aspects around the area of the building. This is needed for any type of business that involve commercial, industrial or residential activities. It should be noted that without SLF the building can’t be occupied and used, even if the construction has already completed.
At Pandu Consultancy we understand that navigate your way with permits and regulations can be daunting and complicated. We’re more than happy to assist you through all the necessary steps. For further info and our service, please contact us at www.panduconsultancy.com