There is a growing concern among locals and officials regarding “naughty” tourists. It seems that these tourists have an "I can do whatever I want" attitude during their vacation. The influence of social media both promotes this kind of behavior and simultaneously provides evidence of their foolishness. The phrase “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” sounds simple, but unfortunately, not many can grasp its meaning.
It's important to educate ourselves on common courtesy, culture, and laws when traveling. Here are some guidelines for you:
- It should be common knowledge, but please wear your helmet while riding a motorcycle. Treat your rental bikes and cars with care. Prepare your international travel license, or we can help you obtain one if you’re planning to stay long. It’s also encouraged to wear decent clothes when riding, both for safety and simple common courtesy on the road.
- There are many sacred places that are highly important to the Balinese people. Learn about the rules before you visit one. It’s better to wear decent and modest clothes when visiting temples and other holy places. Don’t take inappropriate pictures or act inappropriately in general!
- Always obey any rules provided at tourist places, including cafes, restaurants, and beach clubs.
- It’s advisable to have a local guide when you plan on visiting sacred places or remote areas, both for safety and convenience. Make sure to find legitimate ones.
- It’s common knowledge, but don’t bring or use illegal substances!
- Drink alcohol responsibly. Don’t consume it if it’s not from legitimate places. Be mindful when trying local alcoholic drinks.
As a rule of thumb, don’t do anything illegal or inappropriate; just behave normally as you would in your own country. If you need more information on local laws for business or legal matters, please contact us at www.panduconsultancy.com